Saturday, January 19, 2013

Post 60 - Who Moved That Wall

Those of you who read Post 58 or, “Another Concession,” learned of my purchase of a
Jazzy ”Ultra” motorized wheelchair to take the place of my regular chair.  This power
chair was intended to make it easier to get around the  condo. 

I should have waited a few days before posting my final comments – in order to describe
how that intention actually worked out. With 5 forward speeds you’d think I’d get from
one end of the condo to the other, in no time at all.

The problem wasn’t speed. It seems that things kept getting in my way – like walls,
doorframes, and even a pesky piece of base molding I kept running into. I couldn’t figure it
out – the chair had become more of a battering ram – damaging everything it

It finally became clear what was causing the problem;  I’ve lost most of my sense of
depth perception which makes things seem closer or further away than they really are. 

Since there’s no improvement in sight, you’ll soon see a “For Sale” notice on Craig’s List or our
local Classified –before I knock down the condo!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Post 59 - Help for the Handicapped

Every other year, a quiet and subdued Christmas celebration takes place at our house – just a few close friends or relatives who aren’t heading north or who live here year-round.
Next Christmas, however, the activities around here (and I expect to be here) should be merrier and certainly noisier, since our oldest daughter, Deb, our son-in-law, Mike, and our 8-year-old granddaughter, Lily, will be spending the Holidays with us.  And, if we’re really lucky, our youngest daughter, Lee, will get away for a few days and the whole family will be together.

 This “off year,” no matter how quiet and peaceful, was not without its share of health-related surprises.  The first item was the gift I decided to give myself. Every time I chose to transfer from my wheelchair to some other chair was becoming more dangerous because I had to rely more on Fran’s help. That “team” act would be no problem if she and I were anywhere near the same size, but she’s nearly a foot shorter and considerately lighter, and a transfer always meant risking a fall or muscle strain. So, to guard against injury to either of us, we treated ourselves to a motorized “lift” chair from our local medical supply  store; the same one we got our scooter from a few years ago. The chair was delivered on Christmas Eve and has been working just fine.
The next item was a surprise from Fran to me, disguised with bright-colored Holiday wrapping.  Apparently, my dear wife is tired of cleaning up after me, especially around the dining table where food regularly spills from our standard shaped, every-day bowls. My gift, as much for herself as for me, was a few dishes especially designed for the handicapped or people with dexterity issues.  I’m pretty sure they’re working as intended – Fran has ordered the whole set and the dog isn’t hanging around my chair as much.

Seriously, let’s hope 2013 turns out to be Happy & Healthy for us all!