Sunday, October 20, 2013

Post 69 – It’s Gonna Be a Busy Couple of Weeks

Most weeks go by with nothing going on. Time to sit around and read or to catch up on messages from good friends who genuinely care about my condition.  These coming weeks, however, promise to be anything but routine and quiet.

First, on Tuesday, comes a regular quarterly visit with my GP. The biggest change since my last visit involves pain in my hips & knees when any pressure is applied (like changing chairs or getting into or out of bed).  I’ll also tell him that these “pain and stiffness” episodes seem to coincide with my taking the anti-infection drug Cipro every time my supra-pubic catheter is changed by the visiting nurse.   I will also mention an overabundance of saliva when not called for or expected.
 And I’ll tell him about my upcoming visit to a pulmonologist specializing in sleep disorders to learn the results of my recent pulmonary function test to determine why I act out during sleep and to assess my laryngeal stridor.  After this battery of tests I should have more information.

** This blog post was typed by my daughter Debra who is visiting.