Saturday, February 20, 2010

Post 21 - Twenty-two weeks after treatment

Time really does fly! I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since my last entry and 22 weeks since my stem cell treatment at the XCell Center. I guess the rapid passing of time is a good thing because it means I’m staying active and involved instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself.

The little improvements keep coming. The orthostatic hypotension (lightheadedness upon standing) has really lessened, as has the former big drop in blood pressure after standing. My pressure used to regularly drop 30 or more points where now it’s a 20 point average drop or less. Afternoon fatigue is also a bit less frequent - don’t need to take a nap every day. If I could only sleep a little longer at night, I think the energy level would really improve (I’m averaging 5-6 hours each night). Happily, my voice remains strong – got thru another 4- hour teaching session this week with no problem. Gait is no worse – still need a cane to guard against falls.

I’m pleased with what can best be described a “modest” improvement in my overall condition since the treatment. No spectacular change – just a general feeling that perhaps the stem cells are finally taking hold. Four more weeks until I reach the six month mark.

Hopefully, more progress to report in two weeks.

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