Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Post 17 - Twelve weeks after treatment

I’m a few days late with my regular two-week stem cell treatment update but things have been a little hectic around here. First, Fran & I have gone to contract on a condo unit not too far from our current home (one of my previous messages mentioned how it was becoming more and more difficult to maintain a house & property). Second, we’ve just finished a 3-day garage/moving sale which got rid of a lot of stuff that didn’t need to make the trip to the condo (rakes, shovels, tools, and much more).

Preparing for and carrying out the yard sale involved much more than the usual physical activity on my part. First came bringing everything out to the garage, then displaying and pricing each item. Next came 3 days of talking with “customers” and making sure everything went well. Finally came the cleaning of the garage and trip to the recycle center with the sad, unsold remains.

So, understandably I’m a little more “wobbly” than usual and my legs are still somewhat fatigued from all the activity, but overall I came through it better than I thought I would. Can I definitely say the stem cell treatment – now almost 3 months in the past – played any part in my ability to get through these events or would it have been the same without the treatment? I guess we’ll never really know for sure. That’s a mystery that remains to be solved. But, all things considered, I feel pretty good.

Since I don’t plan another update until early January – Fran and I would like to wish everyone (over 3000) who have visited this blog our sincerest best wishes for a joyous Holiday Season. May the New Year be one of peace, happiness, and good health. And to those of you joining me on this journey – let’s hope 2010 is a year of positive breakthroughs against this ridiculous disease.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Post 16 - Interesting newspaper article

I just came across a newspaper article that might be of interest to people contemplating XCell stem cell treatment. It describes the experience of a Nova Scotia MSA patient who underwent the procedure. The article is dated 10/13/09 so the information is very current. The link to the article is: http://www.southshorenow.ca/archives/2009/101309/news/index016.php